Clay soil formed by sedimentary deposits. 由沉积的沉淀物形成的粘土。
Oil is formed by the decay of animal, and possibly some plant, remains in a reducing environment in sedimentary deposits. 石油是在沉积物还原环境中由动物遗骸,可能还有一些植物遗骸的分解所形成的。
The formation of sedimentary uranium deposits has close relation to organic matter. 沉积型铀矿的形成与有机质存在密切联系。
It is useful in discussing the nature of sedimentary deposits. 它在讨论沉积物的性质时是有用的。
Some substances resist the action of acids. It is useful in discussing the nature of sedimentary deposits. 有些物质能抵抗酸的作用。它在讨论沉积物的性质时是有用的。
Sedimentary type deposits usually formed during late Sinian to Cambrian period. 沉积型铅锌矿主要形成于晚震旦世&寒武纪;
Pollen analysis a means of obtaining information on the composition and extent of past floras and environments by examining fossil pollen grains, spores, and similar structures in peat and sedimentary deposits. 花粉分析:指通过检测花粉化石、孢子以及在泥炭和沉积物中类似的结构,以获得历史上曾有过的植物区系、组分以及分布范围与环境信息的方法。
Study on sedimentary deposits in the red continental basin of Jian-Taihe, Jiangxi 江西吉安&泰和陆相红色盆地沉积体研究
Regional minerogenetic analysis of Lower Cambrian sedimentary ore deposits in Gansu 甘肃下寒武统沉积矿产区域成矿分析大兴安岭北部区域成矿背景与有色、贵金属矿床成矿作用
And karst diaspore bauxite deposits belong to bioorganic sedimentary deposits. 又我国硬水铝石岩溶铝土矿,应属于生物有机质成矿作用的沉积型铝土矿。
The site elevation was created by raising it with reclaimed fill, which overlies sedimentary deposits common to the north coastline of Hangzhou Bay. 现场经过回填标高提升,地基土质为杭州湾北海岸常见的沉积层。
A Study of Metamorphosed Sedimentary Iron Deposits Using Remote Sensing Information in Shanxi Province 我国遥感信息的开发与应用遥感信息对山西沉积变质铁矿床的研究
Minerogenetic series of the Carboniferous and Permian sedimentary deposits in western Shandong 鲁西石炭、二叠系沉积矿床成矿系列
In conclusion, we think that a large amount of information on paleo-ocean environments has been recorded in these sedimentary deposits, and the study of these deposits can certainly shed a light on the paleo-ocean environment change during Cambrian explosion. 这些矿床保存了大量的古海洋信息,对其进行深入研究可以揭示华南寒武纪大爆发时期的古海洋环境变化特征。
The deposit genesis analysis suggests that the Huogeqi polymetal deposit belongs to hydrothermal modification deposits of hydrothermal sedimentary deposits stacked with hydrothermal alteration. 矿床成因分析表明霍各乞多金属矿床为热水沉积块状硫化物矿化叠加变质热液改造富集而形成的矿床。
The study of syntectonic sedimentary deposits is one of the advanced topics in current geological research. 同构造沉积记录研究是当前地质学研究的热点和前沿领域之一。
Some Advances in Study of Sedimentary Deposits 沉积矿床研究若干进展综述
-The deposits in this region are not hydrothermal-exhalation sedimentary deposits or their reworked ones, but Yanshanian-Himalayan epigenetic-hydrothermal deposits. 该区矿床不是热水喷流沉积型或其改造型矿床,而是燕山喜马拉雅期的后生热液矿床。
CHARACTERISTICS AND GENESIS OF EXHALATIVE SEDIMENTARY MASSIVE SULFIDES IN SOUTHEASTERN YUNNAN PROVINCE A Brief Review for the Study on Genesis of the Submarine Volcanic Exhalative Sedimentary Deposits in South China 滇东南喷流沉积块状硫化物特征与矿床成因华南海相火山喷流沉积矿床成因研究简评&兼述徐克勤教授在该领域的重大贡献
For example, hydrothermal or sedimentary deposits may not exist on moon, but volcano-magma deposits are hopeful. 月球上不一定有热液型或沉积型矿床,但可能有火山-岩浆型矿床。
The data of sedimentary layers from the Quaternary down to the Cambrian are collected, and then the distributions of total thickness and apparent density of sedimentary deposits are presented. 本文搜集整理了由第四系到寒武系的沉积层资料,给出了沉积层总厚度和视密度的分布。
According to their occurrence characteristics, the continental hydrothermal sedimentary deposits can be divided into three types: sinterite type: basin sedimentary type and vein-like sedimentary type. 根据矿床的产出特征,把陆相热水沉积的矿床划分为3种类型:泉华沉积型;盆地沉积型;
In this paper the genesis and formation periods of the placers ( littoral, glacial and alluvial) and biogenic-biochemical sedimentary deposits are briefly discussed. 概述了滨海砂矿、冰川砂矿、冲积砂矿和生物、化学沉积矿产的成因及成矿期。
Due to such factors as temperature and fluid fields, the mineralization and alteration in the footwall rock of exhalation_ sedimentary deposits are frequently weaker than those of volcano_hosted massive sulfide deposits. 温度场和流场决定以沉积岩为容矿岩石的喷流沉积型块状硫化物矿床底盘岩石中的蚀变和矿化强度不如以火山岩为容矿岩石的块状硫化物矿床。
Evolution of organic matter and origin of sedimentary deposits(ⅱ)& hydrocarbons originating from coal and strata-bound deposits 有机质演化与沉积矿床成因(Ⅱ)&煤成烃类与层控矿床
China's Sedimentary Bauxite Deposits in Ancient Weathering Crusts: A Discussion on Its Supergene Zone Features and Reworking Mechanism 我国古风化壳沉积型铝土矿床表生带特征和改造机理探讨
Kaiyang phosphorus mine is classified into Sinian marine sedimentary deposits, in which, the phosphate ore bodies are medium thickness inclined. This kind of layered phosphate strata are mainly composed by dolomite, phosphate rock, clay rocks and rock composition of the transition between them. 开阳磷矿类型以震旦系海相沉积的中厚倾斜破碎难采矿床为主,该层状、似层状含磷地层主要由白云岩、磷块岩、粘土岩及它们之间的过渡岩石组成。
In the long-term live and multiply process of ancient society, people sedimentary deposits rich culture of auspicious procreation. 在古代社会长期的繁衍生息过程中,人们积淀了丰厚的生育择吉文化。
A unified the ore-bearing horizon is found, the genesis of e deposit is determined as submarine sedimentation-exhalation sedimentary deposits. Meanwhile it also has some iron oxide deposits features. 发现矿区具有统一的含矿层位,确定了矿区的矿床成因类型,是海底喷流沉积型矿床与铁氧化物型矿床的结合类型。
The promotion of the culture ecology need simple and honest culture sedimentary deposits to do as foundation stone and should give the culture sedimentary deposits a systematic tidying at one history stage in order to walk through the crossroads ahead. 文化生态质量的提升是需要浑厚的文化积淀作为基石的,并且到一定阶段这些文化积淀需要进行系统地整理,以便在反思中走过前方的十字路口。